In order to add or remove merchant accounts to your WarriorPlus account, or to update the permissions, follow these steps:

1. Login to

2. Click on your username in the upper right hand corner of and select “my account” from the dropdown menu.

3. On the “my account” page, click on “Merchant Accounts” underneath Vendors/Affiliates.

4. Click on the green button that says “+ New Account” and select PayPal, Stripe or Bank Account (US Only) from the dropdown menu. You will then be redirected to the appropriate page to setup your accounts and add them to WarriorPlus.

Note: Once you have merchant account(s) added, you can update the permissions for them by clicking on the

arrow icon

to the right of the account status information.

To DELETE an account, click on the

garbage can icon

to the right of the account status information.

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